teo alfero

A mission to raise the consciousness of humanity

Author work featured in:
mentoring keystone leaders

Your Decisions Impact Many

The next chapter of humanity will be in the hands of conscious leaders. The application of consciousness here, in daily life and in human issues, is literally the next level. Whether on global issues such as climate change, hunger, literacy, health, or environmental conservation, consciousness is the path to a great future for all of us.

We need leaders with capacity, who are well-rounded human beings. Leaders who have the support of a container, and a set of practices that trains their attention, increases their emotional, energetic, and psychological capacity and promotes mental and emotional clarity. To lead in these times you need the ability to move seamlessly back and forth between multiple settings, be that business, politics, public opinion, intimacy, or  family. You need to be able to apply consciousness in all areas of your life, and that requires work.

It’s one thing to build the capacity of the human body.

But I’m interested in building your ability to carry the capacity of the planet, the capacity of a mountain, the capacity of a pack of wolves.

Three Paths

You sit with me, and magic happens

Leaders with Guts

I work with people whose decisions impact many. Through individual mentorship, private retreats and in-office consulting experiences, my team and I can take your leadership to the level of cosmic insight. What would be possible if your creativity expanded 100 fold?

Path to Mastery

For those who want to dive in fully and train in this specific lineage of consciousness training, I founded the School for Applied Consciousness. In this work, we go into Spirit and come back to our human life transformed and expanded.

Plant Allies

There are many medicines who are engaged in the expansion of human consciousness and they have been for millennia. We work with and provide medicines that support our clients and students in enhancing and stabilizing their shifts in consciousness.

The art of the master is in being able to walk with one foot in each world.

One foot walks in the human world, the other foot walks in the realm of the infinite. And in the friction between the two is the magic and the wildness.

Work with Teo

Private Ceremony, Individual Training, Consulting

For those whose decisions impact many

I’m one of the few people in the world besides your nuclear family that will not care what your title is, or how much power, money, and recognition you have. 

I train leaders at the top of their game. You’re at a place that only a handful of people have achieved. You have staggering levels of influence, financial power,  or political power. 

And my question is:  What’s next? Will it be more of the same? More power, more recognition, more ass-kissing? 

Or will you become a conscious leader? 

Teo offers 3 options within this branch of his company: 

1. Attend a Keystone Leader Retreat. These invite only retreats are for leaders who are willing to actually carve new paths.

2. Teo and his team can offer in-office experiences for your team: guided journeys, personalized ceremonies, on-going consulting, keynote speeches at events.

3. Individual Apprenticeship: A year-long ongoing shamanic experience that will completely remake how you operate.

image of the moon over a canyon with the overlay private ceremony and retreats
image of a starry night and the text overlay teacher's path to mastery
School of Applied Consciousness

The teachings outlive us

In 2024, I founded Yolteotl: the School of Applied Consciousness and Modern Shamanic Studies. It’s one thing to be able to go into the realms of consciousness, it is another to be able to do it while remaining fully engaged in your human life. Imagine being fully in your human life, while also being liberated from the boundaries of the current human cognition.

The school offers a series of ways to participate: from a collection of guided journeys, to free Fireside Conversations, a series of 2 hour workshops, and deep dives into this lineage of work. Join the community here.

We have endless creativity.

Simply put, humans are designed to perceive and experience far more than what we are used to in our everyday life.

About Teo

I am Teo Alfero

I have pledged my life to the expansion of consciousness through over 25 years of deep study of shamanic practices, teaching groups and individual students.
I serve people from all walks of life from community leaders, spiritual teachers, celebrities and CEOs to inner city youth, formerly incarcerated individuals and veterans through Wolf Connection, the non-profit organization I founded 15 years ago. I am the author of The Wolf Connection, What Wolves Can Teach Us About Being Human and curator/author for Transmission: An Anthology on Consciousness, Dreaming and Heart.
I work with energy pathways and configurations that are at cosmic and spiritual levels, but have a very practical application in our everyday life. This creates an alignment, a life that is intrinsically bold, strong and present, intentional and powerful in ways that are hard to conceive.