teo alfero

A mission to raise the consciousness of humanity

Author work featured in:
mentoring keystone leaders

Your Decisions Impact Many

The next chapter of humanity will be in the hands of conscious leaders. The application of consciousness here, in daily life and in human issues, is literally the next level. Whether on  global issues such as climate change, hunger, literacy, health, or environmental conservation, consciousness is the path to a great future for all of us.

We need leaders with capacity, who are well-rounded human beings. Leaders who have the support of a container, and a set of practices that trains their attention, increases their emotional, energetic, and psychological capacity and promotes mental and emotional clarity. To lead in these times you need the ability to move seamlessly back and forth between multiple settings, be that business, politics, public opinion, intimacy, or  family. You need to be able to apply consciousness in all areas of your life, and that requires work.

It’s one thing to build the capacity of the human body.

But I’m interested in building your ability to carry the capacity of the planet, the capacity of a mountain, the capacity of a pack of wolves.

You sit with me

And magic happens

Cosmic Insight

Instead of trying to figure things out, you get silent, you close your eyes, and the answers come. What would be possible if your insight and creativity expanded 100-fold, beyond what is humanly reasonable? What solutions become available?

Practical Application

I teach my students to access unlimited resources and synthesize them in a way that can be applied in our limited human existence so that your daily life is informed by cosmic insight. We go into Spirit and come back to our human life transformed and expanded.

Leaders with Guts

My clients have the guts to venture where no one has gone before, the guts to take risks, internally and externally. The guts to face discomfort. The guts to hold their own in the face of the unknown.

The art of the master is in being able to walk with one foot in each world.

One foot walks in the human world, the other foot walks in the realm of the infinite. And in the friction between the two is the magic and the wildness.

Two Training Tracks

Private Ceremony and Individual Training

For those whose decisions impact many

I’m one of the few people  in the world besides your nuclear family that will not care what your title is, or how much power, money, and recognition you have. 

I train  leaders at the top of their game. You’re at a place that only a handful of people have achieved. You have  staggering levels of influence, financial power,  or political power. 

And my question is:  What’s next? Will it be more of the same? More power, more recognition, more ass-kissing? 

Or will you become a conscious leader? 

Will you become a leader whose thoughts, words, and actions are aligned with cosmic insight? Will you do the work to become one of the very few leaders that actually moves the needle of climate change, and conservation? Or education? Or healthcare?

image of the moon over a canyon with the overlay private ceremony and retreats
image of a starry night and the text overlay teacher's path to mastery
A teacher's path to mastery

I am a Teacher of Teachers

I am a teacher of teachers. I aim to create peers, and the path to Master level is for the focused and rigorous practitioners only. I offer a tiered series of ways to engage with these teachings. 

  • Guided Journeys to learn the nuances of energy anatomy, explore your physicality, and travel to dream realms. Enjoy a sample.
  • Fireside Conversations: A chance to gather and ask questions about consciousness, spirit and practices. Find out more here.
  • The Threshold: For those who are called and committed to the path of applied consciousness. This is the initial step onto the path of mastery.
  • Advanced Training: Invitation only 9- month deep dive into applied consciousness and mystic arts.

We have endless creativity.

Simply put, humans are designed to perceive and experience far more than what we are used to in our everyday life.

Teo's work in Numbers

years of experience in Shamanic practices & consciousness study
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retreats organized all over the world and healed ancestral wounds
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people inspired, helped & coached to get to their natural state
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Rich Litvin

Teo Alfero is an extraordinary spiritual leader and mentor.
He’s taken me on a deep and unorthodox journey over the past 7 years. He’s helped me see aspects of my persona that I’d never seen before – and I have worked with some of the very best professionals in this field.
Teo is unusual in the world of professional growth and professional development in that he’s built a business by word-of-mouth alone, which speaks volumes for the impact he has on his clients.
I don’t pass his name on to you lightly because, quite selfishly, I’d prefer him to remain a best kept secret.
If you are a world influencer who has accomplished a lot and yet you still feel unfulfilled, then I highly recommend you schedule time for a conversation with Teo.
If you crave something more but you know deep inside that continued accomplishment in the material world will not fill that void and if you are ready to find your true path to deep inner piece, happiness and freedom, then you owe it to yourself to spend time with this incredible man.

Jennifer Ziegner

I am more patient, loving and compassionate with people in my life.

The work with Teo has given me access to a new depth of wisdom that flows through me in my work with my coaching clients, which enables me to serve them more powerfully than ever before.

Before we worked together, I was mainly driven by my mind. Today, I feel a profound connection to spirit in my everyday life and I am attuned to and guided by my body’s perception. The integration of all these aspects of my being has enabled me to create my life here in the most beautiful way – and it feels more effortless, fun and juicy than ever before!

I would not be the woman I am today had it not been for my work with Teo.

Amy Harris

Before my work with Teo, I was an admired leader, but my inner world was a mess of emotions, spiritual jargon, past trauma and confusion. Now my inner world is clear, I know how to work with the feelings, emotions, energies as they are arising in me. I am a better leader, better mother, better lover, better friend.

Working with Teo, is a lot of fun. The work is deep and intense and it is woven with belly shaking laughter and surprises. Teo is clear, clean, respectful and focused in his teachings. It is a treat and an honor to study with him.

Nicholette Routhier

When I started working with Teo, my life was great—I had a solid job, a good place to live, and I was happy. But something felt like it was missing, and I couldn’t put my finger on it.

Now, after two plus years with Teo, I’ve cultivated energetic sovereignty. I’ve deepened a connection to the part of me that is beyond human and I bring it as a gift to my experience of being human.

Teo is the most generous teacher I’ve ever had. He’ll go into the weeds with me, and he’ll also be ruthlessly honest about the work I need to be doing.

Janet Douglas

Working with Teo has been a gift for my future and the future of my family and my clients. I am forever changed as a result of Teo’s teachings, guidance, and support on my journey. His willingness to get straight to the heart of the issue and enabled me to pull together other teachings and weave the tapestry of my unique gifts into something bigger and better than I ever thought possible. I now feel safe in embracing the mystery, the fear, the gratitude, the pleasures, and the glory of the gifts that this incarnation has to offer. The best part is that this is only the beginning; I know I have barely scratched the surface of what is to come when I remain open and connected. I am deeply moved by Teo’s generosity and ability to hold a container – they are beyond measure.

About Teo

I am Teo Alfero

I have pledged my life to the expansion of consciousness through over 20 years of deep study of shamanic practices, teaching groups and individual students.
I serve people from all walks of life from community leaders, spiritual teachers, celebrities and CEOs to inner city youth, formerly incarcerated individuals and veterans through Wolf Connection, the non-profit organization I founded 14 years ago. I am the author of The Wolf Connection, What Wolves Can Teach Us About Being Human. 
I work with energy pathways and configurations that are at cosmic and spiritual levels, but have a very practical application in our everyday life. This creates an alignment, a life that is intrinsically bold, and strong and present, intentional and powerful in ways that are hard to conceive.